

by 贾丝廷惠勒
斯坦利·鲍德温, 实验后Saucedo, 爪哇Surtan, Aident Thomas and 撒母耳 Powell were chosen for REU programs this summer.
斯坦利·鲍德温, 实验后Saucedo, 爪哇Surtan, 艾登 Thomas and 撒母耳 Powell were chosen for REU programs this summer.

在繁忙的春季学期中, 五名MNU理科生报考竞争激烈, 著名的暑期研究项目, 所有的都被接受了.

  • 耶鲁大学生物工程专业大二学生实验后Saucedo
  • Junior 斯坦利·鲍德温 is at Penn State University (organic chemistry)
  • Sophomore 艾登 Thomas is at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (computational chemistry)
  • Sophomore 撒母耳 Powell is at the University of California Irvine (organic chemistry)
  • Sophomore 爪哇Surtan is at the University of Kansas (bioanalytical chemistry)


本科生研究经历(REU), 有时被称为暑期本科生研究奖学金(SURF), is a program funded by the National Science Foundation designed to give students at smaller universities the opportunity to experience top-tier research. The programs are held by renowned research institutions nationwide and provide graduate-level lab experience where each student is assigned a group and a specific research project. 本科生与更有经验的研究人员密切合作.

REU provides major benefits such as housing, food, reimbursement for travel expenses, and a stipend.

重要性 和影响

据这名学生的化学教授说. 切尔西Comadoll, being accepted to an REU or SURF program is a prestigious honor that can change a student’s trajectory in their education or career. For example, 撒母耳 was 1 of 8 chosen from 300 applicants at Irvine. 斯坦利的排名是美国前30名.S. 化学项目.

MNU professors were happy to provide numerous recommendations for their students during the grueling application process.

“It was awesome to work with these guys in the application process and to celebrate their victories with them,科马多尔说. “These young men are transforming the way that our science students view research; I hope that we continue to place our students in research programs every summer.”


撒母耳 has always been interested in the body’s biological processes, and the SURF program at UC Irvine allows him to pursue research in synthetic organic chemistry with a focus on medicinal chemistry.

“[SURF] would give me connections and a prestigious entry on my resume that will be very valuable when it comes time to apply for graduate school,塞缪尔说.

The SURF program will also help 撒母耳 discover what he wants to pursue in graduate school. He is also excited about spending the summer in California and the chance to build new relationships.


Working as a tutor for chemistry and kinesiology this year helped 斯坦利 realize his desire to pursue a PhD in chemistry and become a professor. The REU program is his steppingstone to graduate school and eventually starting his own lab as a professor where he can “teach kids from the ground up.”

斯坦利’s REU project includes “using light with multiple catalysts that will enhance the synthesis of polymer molecules,他解释道.

“The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research with some of the foremost experts in the field was something I absolutely had to try for.”


爪哇人 is excited about “literally every part” of his REU and hopes it will pave the way for graduate school and deciding on a career. His project at KU studies cancer using biomarkers and blood samples. He believes his personal dream can be advanced with this research experience as well.

“我的一个梦想是治疗自闭症,”爪哇人说. “我希望能够参与其中,推动这一领域向前发展,” which would be a tribute to his late brother who had the neurological developmental condition.



“If I could find a new molecule that does something really important biologically or industrially, 这可能是我的梦想,艾丹说。.

今年夏天, 艾丹将使用编程技能, 从辅修计算机科学获得的, to analyze large amounts of data to help understand complex interactions and energetic considerations of materials. He looks forward to “the grad school environment” and being around other chemists who share his passions.


耶鲁大学, 实验后 hopes his REU experience will help him decide whether to pursue healthcare (MD), 科学研究(博士), 或两个. His project focuses on studying the mechanical biology of cancer cells and their development.

“REU and SURF programs are good opportunities to gain practical experience at top-tier research institutions across the nation. The chance to participate in bioengineering and cancer research is something that, 没有这些程序, 作为本科生,我们无法体验,耶尔说。.

通过可靠的菠菜appMNU了解更多关于STEM可靠的菠菜app的信息 chinaqinyu.com/academic-departments/department-of-natural-health-mathematical-sciences.




